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Since the discovery of x-rays,it has been used to detect diseases in humans.However
Since the discovery of x-rays,it has been used to detect diseases in humans.However,because some organs in the human body have very little difference in the absorption of X rays

The company passed the 2015 audit of China quality certification center
On September 27,2015,China quality certification center conducted the annual supervision and audit of ISO90001 quality management system of our company in 2015,and our company passed smoothly.

X-ray discovery
In 1895,the German physicist roentgen(W).C.ROntgen)in the study of cathode ray tube gas discharge phenomenon,has two metal electrodes embedded in a(called a anode.

X ray properties
Penetration is the ability of x-rays to pass through matter without being absorbed. X-rays can penetrate substances that are not visible through visible light. Visible light has a long wavelength

The use of x-rays in medicine
X-ray application in medical diagnosis is mainly based on X-ray penetration,differential absorption,photosensitivity and fluorescence.Because x-rays through the body

Large X-ray machines
High frequency inverter technology to realize the low dose exposure to obtain high-resolution images of power load,high kV,big mA output meet the demand of the whole body photography

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